
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

MY Email has been hacked into..

I wanted to let you all know that My email has been hacked into..So if you got an email from me asking for money PLEASE Don't send it to anyone.. It was NOT ME!!! I'm really Sorry this has happened.. SOME People!!
Hugs, Linda


Nannieflash said...

Hi Linda, hope you manage to get it sorted, it might be an idea to open a second email account in the meantime. hugs Shirleyxxx

Cards By MI said...

Hope you get it sorted soon. Not fun when this happens.
Love n hugs

loz said...

It happens to most people Linda.. My e-mail recently sent e-mails to everyone advertising Viagra which was not funny.. I just emptied all my contacts from my address book so no one else received it.. Hope you sort it out soon..Loz

Bella´s Bastelecke said...

Hi Linda,
i have get this e-mail......


misteejay said...

Sorry to hear you've had this problem Linda - hope it doesn't cause you too much hassle.

Toni xx

Doreen said...

Oooh Linda that is terrible,hope it is sorted out

chrilvian said...

ooo my gmail is better as the telfortmail
on my telfort i get orders from ???
im glad i know what i buy so i deleted the mail right to the container

Lynnes old blog said...

I had someone hack into mine a while back too with the viagra email, its so annoying! I'm always afraid of it happening again. Make sure you change your password Linda ... put random capital letters and numbers in it too.

Shirley said...

You are so fun, Linda!!! What else? What do you do when that happens, in case it happens to me!!

Shirley said...

Forgot to wish you Happy Thanksgiving Day too!

Loz said...

grr, very annoying isn't it! Someone hacked mine last year... locked me out by changing my password and everything! that's why i keep a shopping email seperate! if they wanna get in.. there's not much you can do to stop them either :(

Cheryl said...

Hi Linda,I am so glad all is ok,I received that email and thought it didn't sound right,so came to your blog to see if you had posted anything.Thanks for letting us know and I hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble.
Hugs xx

Christine said...

Hi Linda thanks for replying to mthe email i sent you..I didnt open mine its wording looked suspicious best to delete them. Like Shirley says its easier to open anther email acc.

amiles Christine x